Friday, March 20, 2015

#1000Speak - And she learnt to raise a voice!

Constantly suppressed by husband,
Pestered every minute by in-laws,
She spent many sleepless nights,
Tortured by her life,
Every minute she had to strive;
She had learnt to oblige all,
Not uttering a word foul;
What she had forgotten to learn,
Was to raise a voice for her own;
The days passed by,
The months passed by,
And the years passed by;
She kept quiet and obliged,
“Patience is a virtue”
With this thought she had been apprised;
But all the bullying of the years,
Taught her a lesson not told by her peers;
She analysed, she realized,
She learnt another virtue,
Of raising her voice for her rights,
Of standing upto the fight,
Of expressing herself,
And giving a befitting reply
With all her might.

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