Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Its lovely to see it raining…
The way rain washes and cleans everything revealing the brilliance of those hidden layers ;
Its  soothing … the tiny drops resting and hanging on the leaves , on the grass and on the glass panes;  the exuberance carried in the sounds of thunder and  falling drops with all the immensity ; the lovely ripples formed as those falling drops touch the stagnant waters ; the clouds floating in the vastness.  The waving trees with the refreshing cool breeze as if saying be receptive , rejoice and smilingly welcome every rhythm dat life brings forth.
I love watching the rain change its angles fleeting the umbrellas and the enchanting sounds of the splashes ...and as I stretch my hand to feel the droplets the thrill subsides everything leaving just a strange wish.. Wish dat would there have been a rain dat could penetrate my dermis and do all the magic inside..to clean my spirit, to freshen my aura , to shower the love ,to make me lighter and the tiny drops of the magical splash could spray happiness everywhere to give respite from tiredness, the showers dat instill faith and hope ; the magical pelting to wither away the staleness and nurture the  freshness so that each time I could feel reborn, fresh and brighter than ever…
I just love rain…!!!!


  1. yeah, it feels good...and its finally raining, like it should.

  2. "the tiny drops resting and hanging on the leaves , on the grass and on the glass panes...." hey real nic expression dear..infact these expressions could hav made real nic poem...

    nic post like alwaiz...

  3. yeah but i don't find myself able to compose poetry :(

  4. try dear...give it a shot n i m damn sur u would excel in that too...

  5. Megharana,

    Read 3 posts now. I really enjoyed u know, U Know. Good one with such mind capturing way. Good story showing conflict of expectations between partners. Rain is really welcome, even when you are just about leaving office and have to rush to car to avoid getting wet or are in a traffic jam.

    Take care

  6. i love the rain too!
    beautiful blog design btw!!

  7. First time here, enjoying the read.

  8. @mehak : thanx
    @jack : thanx for reading n commenting in
    god bless u

  9. Rain,
    Splendidly described.
    Incredibly imbibed,

    Loved it! :)
