Sunday, December 11, 2011

Title less :)

its just a race!!
a race that never ends,
racers set out 
looking forward 
to the end of it 
with a victory
but before reaching 
the end
there is another race lined up
they keep running
and soon
the race becomes their drug
racers race
changing their pace
and sometimes
changing their directions
racers race
taking the shortcuts
and sometimes 
taking the wrong turns
racers race 
without a halt
in between 
racers crave 
for race
just like the druggists
crave for drugs
like the drugs
this drug of race
 might harm them
might take over their consciousness
but this is an addiction
which racers can not get over
racers race
and they want
more and more of it
and soon
there is the stage
where racers are no longer
running for victory 
or the destiny but
racers race 
they are addicted of it!!

racers are we and race is throughout the life........................................................................................