Sitting back in the starry nights
Amidst those shining silent chaps
Which in their silence behold many answers…..
Their silence is in complete resonance with mine,
But the entropy of my thoughts is rising higher,
All randomized and scrambled contemplations…
These thoughts dashing against each other and
Striving, knocking down the mind into shades of grey.
Some shattered, some erecting, some happy, some unhappy, some harsh, some soft,
Some lively, some dying, some constructive, some destructive, some ambiguous, some lucid,
Some compelling, full of zest, and ample;
Some incomprehensible, forcing to relinquish the delicate threads of complexities of life.
And then the battle going on in is taken over by the one pattern of thoughts……
Confessions preferred over guilt,
Peace preferred over agitation,
Forgiveness preferred over grievances,
Endearment preferred over ego,
Acceptance preferred over expectations,
Forthrightness preferred over hypocrisy,
Introspection preferred over vigilance,
Own vision preferred over lending an insight,
Freedom preferred over repression,
Growing with each moment preferred over being stuck in the moment……………….
And the entropy of thoughts then matches with that of the free air soothing the heart from inside….
And leaves the countenance with a gentle smile.
Its happening, yet again!